Saturday, January 7, 2012

Jannath and jahannam (Heaven and Hell)

Heaven and Hell (Jannath and jahannam) we will get judged when we die. This will be the biggest test of our lives because you will be judged about everything you have done in the world. So if you want to go to Jannath (heaven) you will have to follow everything that is in the Quran.
Believe to Allah, follow the religion of Islam, follow the five pillars of Islam, follow Mohammad (saw) way of life, we have to follow the Hadith, Such as respecting older people, you will also have to that worship Allah and everything in the Quran. You can’t hide form Allah because He is every were hut we can’t see Him. We will have to follow our prophets. Jannath is and will be the best place. You will only see this please if you follow the commandments of Allah.
There are 8 Jannath. Jannatul Ferdaus is the best Jannath. Jannatu Adoon is the second best. Jannatul  Adoon is the 3rd best. Jannatul Nayeem is the 4th best. Jannatul Mawwa is 5th best. Darus salam is 6th best. Darul Qarar is 7th best. The last best is Darul Maqam. There are 8 Jannath’s the best one is the 1st one.
Jahannam is an Arabic word which means Hell in English. It is the worst pleace still. You will get burnt and brought back alive by Allah. And then he will you throw back again. Punishment is everything in Jahannam.
There are 7 Jahannam’s. The first worst one is Habia. Number 2nd is Jahim. 3rd worst is Sakar, 4th worst is Lajja, 5th worst is Sayeer, 6th worst is Hutamah and the worst of worst is Jahannam.
In the judgment day Allah will decided Heaven and Hell (Jannath and jahannam) for us.
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