Saturday, November 17, 2012

সহজেই Facebook এবং Twitter এর মাধ্যমে আয় করুন

Facebook এ বসে শুধু সময় নষ্ট করবেন? নাকি আপনার Facebook ও Twitter একাউন্টের মাধ্যমে কিছু Euro ইনকাম করবেন?
হ্যাঁ. এখন আপনি চাইলে আপনার Facebook এবং Twitter একাউন্টের মাধ্যমে কিছু Euro কামাতে পারবেন। আপনাকে আজ এমন একটি সাইটের সাথে পরিচয় করিয়ে দিব যার মাধ্যমে আপনি এই ইউরো কামাতে পারবেন। এটি একটি ইউরোপিয় সাইট । সেজন্য এই সাইটে কাজ করলে এরা আপনাকে Doller এর বদলে Euro দেবে । সাইটটির নাম হচ্ছে Fanslave.

শুধুমাত্র Like & Follow এর মাধ্যমেই আপনি দিনে ২০ মিনিটের চেয়ে কম কাজ করে .50 ইউরো আয় করতে পারবেন। আপনি ১৫ ইউরো হলেই PayPal বা Alertpay এর মাধ্যমে Pay out করতে পারবেন। আর আপনারা জানেন যে, ১ ইউরো সমান ১০৫ টাকা। 
অনলাইনে ফ্যানস্লাবে কাজ করতে কি কি লাগবেঃ
১। একটি ফেসবুক (facebook) আইডি যাহাতে কমপক্ষে ৫ জন ফ্রেন্ড এ্যাড থাকতে হবে।
২। একটি টুইটার (twitter) আইডি যাহাতে কমপক্ষে ৫ জন ফলোয়ার যুক্ত থাকতে হবে।

কি কি উপায়ে ইনকাম করা যায়ঃ
১। ফেসবুকের ফ্যান পেইজ লাইক করে
২। টুইটারে অন্যান্য আইডি ফলো করে
৩। লিংক ক্লিক করে ওয়েব সাইট ব্রাউজ করে
৪। ফ্যানস্লাবের সার্ভিস অন্য কাউকে রেফার করে

* একটি পিসি থেকে ফ্যানস্লাবে একটির বেশী এ্যাকাউন্ট রেজিষ্ট্রেশন করা যাবে না .
তবে আর দেরি কেন? আজই Register করে আয় শুরু করে দিন।

রেজিস্ট্রেশন পদ্ধতি:
 প্রথমে এখানে ক্লিক করে রেজিস্ট্রেশন করুন।
*এখন আপনার রেজিস্ট্রেশন পুরোপুরি শেষ হল। এবার আপনি আয় করার জন্য প্রস্তুত।

 যেভাবে আয় করবেন:
প্রথমে Fanslave এ আপনার Username ও Password দিয়ে Login করুন। তারপর, Your Account মেনু থেকে Facebook Overview অথবা Twitter overview তে ক্লিক করুন।
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**মনে রাখবেন Upbate বাটনে ক্লিক না করলে কিন্তু আপনার একাউন্টে Cash জমা হবে নাUpdate দেয়ার পর দেখবেন আপনার একাউন্টে Cash জমা হয়ে গেছে
*এভাবে প্রতিদিন ২-৩ বার একাউন্টে ঢুকে পেজ লাইক করবেন

রেফারেলের মাধ্যমে আয়:
আছে আয় করার জন্য ১৫% রেফারেল ইনকাম। আপনার রেফারেল লিংকের মাধ্যমে যারা জয়েন করবে, তারা যত ইউরো আয় করবে আপনি পাবেন তার পুরো আয়ের ১৫%। প্রচুর পরিমানে আয় করার জন্যে এটা একটা বড় সুযোগ নয় কি?

আমি এখানে একটি হিসাব দিচ্ছি- মনে করুন, আপনি ৫০ জনকে রেফার করলেন। এবং তারা প্রত্যেকে মাসে ৩০ ইউরো করে আয় করছে। তাহলে আপনার আয় দাড়াল (৫০*৩০=১৫০০)১৫% সমান ২২৫ ইউরো বা (২২৫*১০
=২৪৭৫০) ২৩৬২৫ টাকা প্রতি মাসে অতিরিক্ত আয়। আপনি যদি আরও বেশি রেফার করতে পারেন, তাহলে তো আরো অনেক বেশি ইনকাম। আর আপনার নিজস্ব আয় তো থাকবেই। এত সহজে এরকম আয় করার সুযোগ আর কোথাও কারো জানা আছে কি?
অনেকে প্রশ্ন করতে পারেন যে, এত তারাতারি এত রেফার করব কিভাবে? আমি বলব, যেকোন ধরনের আয় করতে হলে প্রথমে কম কম আয় করে হলেও দু-এক মাস কাজ করার পর আপনি প্রচুর পরিমান আয় করতে পারবেন। উল্লেখ্য, প্রথম প্রথম আপনি খুব বেশি পেজ পাবেন না। তাই প্রথমে আপনি খুব বেশি আয় করতে না পারলেও কাজ চালিয়ে যান। যখন আপনার Fan Rank বাড়বে সাথে সাথে আপনার আয়ও বাড়বে, প্রথমে আপনার Fan Rank 01 ( One) থাকবে, যা পরবর্তীতে 10 (Ten) পর্যন্ত বাড়বে। তবে তার জন্য আপনার রেফার বাড়াতে হবে এবং Facebook এর ফ্রেন্ড সংখ্যাও বাড়াতে হবে। রেফার না বাড়ালে Fan Rankও বাড়বে না, আর Fan Rank না বাড়লে আয়ও বাড়বে না। সুতরাং যত বেশি রেফার তত বেশি আয়।

তবে আর দেরি কেন? আজই  রেজিস্ট্রেশন করে আয় শুরু করে দিন। 

এখানে ক্লিক করে রেজিস্ট্রেশন করুন

Fanslave থেকে অন্যান্য সুযোগ সুবিধা: 
এখান থেকে আপনি উপার্জন ছাড়াও অন্যান্য সুযোগ-সুবিধা পেতে পারেন। যেমন- আপনার যদি একটি ফেসবুক ফ্যান পেজ থাকে তাহলে আপনি কিছু ক্রেডিটের বিনিময়ে আপনার পেজের লাইক বাড়িয়ে নিতে পারেন তেমনি টুইটার এ্যাকাউন্ট থাকলে তার ফলোয়ার সংখ্যা বৃদ্ধি করতে পারেন। এছাড়াও রয়েছে অন্যান্য সুযোগ-সুবিধা। যা আপনি তাদের সাইট ভিসিট করলেই জানতে পারবেন।

Fanslave এর কি লাভ?
আপনি যখন 3 ও 7 credits আয় করেন, এর জন্য Page এর owner কে 5 ও 10 credits ব্যয় করতে হয়। Fanslave 2 ও 3 credits করে লাভ করে।

টাকা উত্তোলনঃ
আপনার একাউন্টে মাত্র ১৫ ইউরো হলেই আপনি তা Payza(সাবেক Alert pay) অথবা Paypal এর মাধ্যমে উত্তোলন করতে পারবেন।

Friday, July 27, 2012

Blessing in the month of Ramadan

Blessing in the month of Ramadan through fasting Muslims are able to heal and cure their physical and mental illness as will as spiritual. There are special rewards, which Almighty Allah will award in the hereafter, for those who fast only for the sake of Almighty Allah, obeying the command of almighty Allah, with Imaan(believes). Therefore, Muslims are pleased to carryout the duty of fasting in the month of Ramadan to thank Almighty Allah for providing us such opportunities, and his generous gifts and unlimited grace.

During blessing in the month of Ramadan almighty Allah has instructed lots of other activities for the Muslim’s to enjoy and to practice apart from fasting.
Another very important pray Almighty Allah has given to Muslins is to pray during the night of Ramadan as well as ‘Salatul Taraweeh’ (an additional Prayer only during the nights of Ramadan.

All of these rewards have promoted blessing in the month of Ramadan against the other months to a higher rank, starting from 70 to 700 times and more.

Our Prophet Mohammad (saw) said, “When Ramadan begins, the gates of Paradise are opened, the gates of Hell are closed and the Devils are chained”. (Bukhari shorif 4/12 and Muslim shorif 21758).

Niyyah (Intention) for Ramadan (Fasting)

Pronunciation: Nawaitu an Asooma gadam min Shahri Ramadanal Mubaaraki Fardal laka ya Allahu Fatakabbal minnee Innaka Anthas Samee’ul Aleem.

Meaning: I am making intention for Farz fasting for tomorrow in the Holy month of Ramadan. Oh Allah, please accept my sacrifice for fasting. Allah you are the best of hearing and all knowing.

Note: The Niyyah (intention) of fasting is compulsory, without Niyyah if a person is fasting them the fast will be invalid.

Du’aa for Iftar

Pronunciation: Allaahummma Sumtu laka Wa alaika tawakkaltu Wa birizqika Aftartu.

Meaning: Oh Allah, I have kept fasting only for you and I have complete trust in you and I am breaking my fast by the food provided by you.

Monday, July 23, 2012

Bath (Gusol)

What is Bath (Gusol) and why do we do it?

In the Islamic law washing the whole body properly is called Gusol (bath). We do Gusol (bath) to become clean because we need to be clean when we recite by touching the Holy Quran or when we pray (Salah)

How many Fardh in Bath (Gusol) and what are they?

There are 3 Fardh in Bath (Gusol)
1. Rinsing mouth by gargling,
2. Washing nostrils properly,
3. Washing the whole body properly

Niyyah (intention) for Bath (Gusol)

Pronunciation: “Nawaitul gusla liraf’il janaabah”.
Meaning: Oh Allah, I am washing my body to get rid of all sorts of impurities.

How to do Gusol (bath)?

1. First you read the Niyyah (Intention).
2. Then you wash both hands up to your wrist 3 times.
3. After that, if there is any dirt in your clothes or in your body then you should wash it away.
4. Next you perform Wudu (but wash your feet after completing bath).
5. Then you pour water over your right shoulder 3 times then do the same to your left shoulder.
6. After that you pour water on your head 3 times and also 3 times on the whole of your body properly.
7. Every time you pour water on your body, you should make sure that you get rid of dirt properly.
8. You should always make sure that when you are having a bath the whole of your body is wet and making sure that not a single hair of body remains dry.
9. Lastly you wash your feet; you should wash between your toes making sure that they are wet.

Note: If these instructions are not followed as stated above or any parts of your body are left dry then it will mean that the Gusol is not done properly.

Monday, February 20, 2012

Sunnah of Wuzu (ablution)

  1. Making Niyyah (intention) for wuzu
  2. Reciting Tasmiah (Bismillah) in full before starting Wuzu.
  3. Washing both hands up to the wrist 3 times.
  4. Cleaning the teeth with Miswaak.
  5. Gargling 3 times.
  6. Cleaning nostrils properly with fresh water 3 times.
  7. To do Khilal (to pass wet fingers into bread).
  8. Khilal of both fingers and toes (putting the fingers between toes to make sure water goes through).
  9. Washing the limb 3times (of Wuzu).
  10. Wiping the whole head once.
  11. Wiping both ears once.
  12. To perform Wuzu systematically and properly.
  13. To wash all parts immediately one after the other.

Niyyah (Intention) for Wuzu (ablution)

Pronunciation: Nawaytuan Atawazzaa Lerafil hadasi wastibahatal Lissalati wa taqarruban ilallaahi taala.

Invalidators of Wuzu (ablution)

  1. Discharging of urine, stool or the coming out of anything from the private parts.
  2. To fall asleep lying down or by resting the body against something.
  3. Laughing loudly whilst performing prayer.
  4. To faint due to some illness or any other reasons.
  5. Discharging of gases.
  6. Vomiting in mouthful.
  7. Flowing of blood or anything else from any parts of the body.
  8. Going insane or mad.

Du’aa after finishing Wuzu (ablution)

Ashhadu al-laa ilaaha illallaahu- Wahadahoo laa- Shareeka lahu Wa ashhadu anna muhammadan Abduh wa rasooluh. Allahummajalnee minat taw waabeena- Wajalnee mutatahhireen.

Meaning: I testify that there is none worthy of worship except Allah and He is one and has no partner. I also testify that Muhammad (saw) is His Worshiper and messenger. Oh’ Allah makes me from those who make Taubah (Repentance) and from those that are clean.


Saturday, February 18, 2012

Doing dry ablution (Tayammum)

Dry ablution (Tayammum) is to purity (in a form of dry ablution) by the use of clean dry soil, dry brick, dusty rock or stone.

The reason and the time of doing the dry ablution (Tayammum):

  • The shortage of water or if unable to find the water at the time of prayer and have to travel more than a mile to find water to do Wudu (ablution), which may delay the prayer time.
  • If the use of water is having to take the risk of getting an illness or if the doctor had advised not to have any contact with water.
  • If the water is available nearby, but reaching the water may put your life in the risk of danger by any hazards, hunt or by dangerous animals.
  • If you are facing similar problems about anything else then you can do Tayammum (dry ablution).
  • Tayammum (day ablution) can be performed either for Gusol (having a bath) or for Wadu (ablution).

 There are 3 farz in dry ablution(Tayammum):

1. Making Niyyah (making intention to purify from uncleanness).

2. Wiping the face.

3. Wiping both arms up to the elbows.


Wazu (Ablution) make

Ablution (Wazu) is making important to before pray Salat (Prayer). Ablution (Wazu) is compulsory for every Muslims before performing Salah (Prayer) and reciting the Holy Quran. In the Holy Quran Allah subhaanahu wataala has ordered and instructed us regarding the 4 Farz in Ablution (Wazu).

Without ablution (wazu) performing salah and reciting by touching the Holy Quran is forbidden and a great sin.

When we perform ablution (wazu), we have to carefully understand the 4 Farzs. If any one of the 4 Farzs is missed then you have to start ablution (wazu) again.

4 Farzs in ablution (wazu):

* Washing your face.

* Arms up to the elbow.

* Wiping the head.

*washing the feet up to the ankles. 

There are 4 Farzs in ablution (wazu) details are below:

1. Washing the face – From for head to chin, from one ear to the other. When washing your face pour water on the face, using both hands.

2. Washing the hands – From of these fingers to elbows. First right hand and then left hand.

3. Wiping the head – Firstly take water and shake both hands.
  • Then small finger to middle finger join together the finger tips of both hands ( not including the thumbs and index finger).
  • Wipe over the head from the forehead to the back of the head.
  • Reverse hands this time using palms only up to the forehead.
  • Put the index finger inside both ears firmly and twist once.
  • Rub around the ear band with the tip of the index finger.
  • Pass the wet thumbs around the back of the ears.
  • Then joining both hands, finger tips wipe over the neck with the back of your hands.

4. Washing both feet’s – Up to the ankles, first right feet then left feet.

Sunnah of  Wazu…

Sunday, February 5, 2012


Sunnah is an Arabic word, which means rules, the right path and also means example. Whatever the prophet said, did or liked is called Sunnah. It is also known as the way of life for the Sunnah refers to the Prophet’s way of life. There are two types of Sunnah. They are Sunnat-e-Muakkadah and Sunnat-e-Ghair Muakkadah.


A thing done by our ProphetMuhammad (saw) regularly at every times and he did not leave it out without an excuse. One should perform the Sunnat-e-Muakkadah, to leave it out without an excuse is a great sin but there is no Qaza (to redo it) for it.

Sunnat-e-Ghair Muakkadah

A thing done by our prophet Muhammad (saw) sometimes and was left out sometimes. To do it is a large reward but can be left out without an excuse. Sunnat-e-Ghair Muakkadah is in two salah’s they are Asr and Isha.


Mustahab is an Arabic word. To optional, to perform it is a great reward, but there is no sin if left out.


Nafal means optional. It is essentially your choice. If you leave it out there is no sin and if you do it there is a reward.

Saturday, February 4, 2012


Wajib is an Arabic word. Necessary, must be performed. To leave it out is a great sin. And Qaza (to redo it) is necessary. It is near to Fardh. This means it is important and you have to do. If you don’t do something that is Wajib you will commit a great sin. For example, Salatul Witr in between the Isha Salah, Eid-ul- Adha. Eid ul fitar charity. If you don’t do this kind of work you will be lost in this world.


Fardh is an Arabic word. It is compulsory, necessary to perform. To leave it out is a large sin. And Qaza (to redo it) is necessary. It means following Allah order. There are 2 sides in Fardh, one of is called Fardh-e-Kifayah, and the other is Fardh-e-Aiyn.

Fardh-e-Aiyn and Fardh-e-Kifayah

Fardh-e-Aiyn means you must do it for e.g. Salah, Ramadan (Sawm), Zakah. And Hajj, Knowledge, men and woman should be separate. Fardh-e-Kifayah means that if there are a few people and some of the people do it out all of them, it is enough, not everyone has to do it then. For e.g. Janaza praying, jihad, Islamic politics.

Friday, January 27, 2012

Ramadan (fasting)

Sawm is the annual compulsory fast during the month of Ramadan, the ninth month in the Islamic calendar. From dawn to sunset everyday a Muslim refrains from eating, drinking, and smoking and from sex with his marital partner, seeking only the pleasure of Allah.  Ramadan (Sawm) develops a believers moral and spiritual standard, and keep him away from selfishness, greed, extravagance and other vices. Ramadan (Sawm) is an annual training programmed increases a Muslims determination to fulfill his obligations to the greater and sustains.

Fasting is one of the most important and toughest duties in Islam. It is an order of Almighty Allah to put fasting into practice during the month of Ramadan as a form (worship) prayer. To seek Almighty Allah’s pleasure and forgiveness though fasting is a form of Ibadah (prayer). Mankind are just not able to seek mankind are also able to purify their souls and receive the limitless mercy of Allah and to reach his proximity. It is Fard (compulsory) for every Muslims male and female who reaches the age of maturity generally 12-13 years boys and 9-12 years girls to fast.

During Ramadan, Muslims are also predictable to put more effort into following the knowledge of Islam by refraining from violent behavior, anger, envy, greed, lust, profane language, gossip and to try to get along with fellow Muslims better. In accumulation, all obscene and irreligious sights and sounds are to be avoided.

Fasting during Ramadan is compulsory, but is forbidden for several groups for whom it would be very dangerous and exceptionally problematic. These include per-pubescent children, those with a medical situation such as diabetes, elderly people, and pregnant or breastfeeding women. Observing fasts is not acceptable for menstruating women. Other individuals for whom it is measured acceptable not to fast are those who are ill or traveling. Misplaced fasts usually must be made up for soon afterward, although the exact requirements vary according to circumstance.
Ramadan is a compulsory duty for Muslims.
photo source

Saturday, January 21, 2012


Zakat (almsgiving) is reward and keeps you clean. It is a compulsory payment from a Muslims yearly savings. It literally means purification, and is a yearly payment of 2.5% of the value of cash, jewelers and precious metal; a separate applies to annuals, crops and mineral wealth. It is neither a charity nor a tax: charity is optional, whilst taxes can be used for any of society’s needs.

Zakat can only be spent on helping the poor and needy, the disable, the oppressed debtors and other welfare purposes, as defined in the Quran and Sunnah. It is an act of respect. It is one of the fundamental values of an Islamic economy, which ensure an equitable society where everybody has a right to contribute and share. It should be paid with the conscious belief that our wealth and our property.

A Muslim may also contribute more as an act of voluntary charity (sadaqah), rather than to achieve additional divine reward. There are two main types of  Zakat. First, there is the kajj, which is a fixed amount based on the cost of food that is paid during the month of Ramadan by the head of a family for himself and his dependents. Second, there is the Zakat on wealth, which covers money made in business, savings, income, and so on.

In current usage Zakat is treated as a 2.5% collection on most valuables and savings held for a full lunar year, as long as the total value is more than a basic minimum known as nisab (3 ounces (85.05 g)). When of July 2011, nisab is approximately USD 3,275 or an equivalent amount in any other currency. A lot of Shiites is expected to pay an additional amount in the form of a  khums duty, which they consider to be a separate ritual practice. There are five principles that should be there followed when giving the Zakat:
  1. The giver must announce to God his intention to give the Zakat.
  2. The Zakat necessity is paid on the day that it is due.
  3. Following the Offering, the payer must not exaggerate on spending his money more than usual means.
  4. Payment required to being in kind. This way if one is rich then he or she needs to payment two an half (2.5 %) of their profits. If someone does not have much money, then they should recompense for it in different ways, such as good manners and good behavior toward others.
  5. The Zakat have to be distributed in the community from which it was taken.
Zakat for rich Muslim peoples who like to satisfied Allah.
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Thursday, January 19, 2012


Hajj means intention and walking. It is an annual event, obligatory at least once in a lifetime for Muslims who have the means to complete it. It is a trip to the house of Allah (kaaba) in Makkah, Saudi Arabia, on the 8th to the 12th in the month of Zul-hajjah, the twelfth month of the Islamic calendar.
Hajj symbolizes the union of mankind. Muslims from all race and nationality assemble in equality and humility to worship their lord. The pilgrim, in the presence of his greater, to whom he belongs, and to whom he must return after death. We have to do it a least once in a lifetime.
After a Muslim makes the trip to Mecca, he/she is known as a hajje/hajja (one who made the pilgrimage to Mecca). The most important rituals of the Hajj include walking seven times around the kabba, touching the Black stone, roaming seven times between Mount Safa and Mount Marwar, and representatively stoning the Devil in Mina.
The pilgrim, or the haji, is honored in the Muslim community. Islamic teachers speak that the Hajj should be an expression of devotion to God, not a funds to gain social standing. The believer should be self-aware and look at their intentions in performing the pilgrimage.
This must lead to constant striving for self-improvement. A pilgrimage prepared at any time other than the Hajj season is called an Umrah, and while not compulsory is strongly recommended. Also, they make a pilgrimage to the holy city of Jerusalem in their alms giving spread.
Hajj is a trip of pilgrimage.
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Friday, January 13, 2012

Salat (Prayer)

It is compulsory to pray daily five times salat (prayer) that have been set by Allah. It is the unique feature of Islam. Anyone abandons prayer at the risk of going out of Islam. Verily, the prayer is enjoyed on the believers at set hours.  (Surah-nisa, 4:103)
Prayer Salat is the most essential obligatory duty, which a Muslim must perform. This is the most obvious act, which a Muslim does to show his obedience to Allah. Salat is also a means of rimming Allah in prayer. A person leaves everything and devotes himself to the worship of Allah. He does exactly what he had been instructed by Allah messenger. His changes from one posture to another in a composed manner, focusing his mind on Allah. He feels that he is standing before Allah the Almighty. Prayer is indeed a means of bringing mankind colder to Allah. In prayer, one stand facing the direction of the Kabbah bows and kneels before his lord. He recites the opening chapter of the Quran,  surah Al-Fatiha Praising and glorifying Allah, and asking for his support and help.
The five daiy prayers are: Fajr between down a sunrise, Zuhur between miday a mid-afternoon, Asr between mid-after a sunset, Magrib just after sunset and Isha between nightfall a down.
Five times a day, Salat provides a amazing opportunity for a Muslim to improve his life. It is a system of spiritual, moral and physical training that makes him truly obedient to his creator. Each salat takes just a few minutes to complete.
The teachings of Salat are:

* It brings men and women nearer to Allah.
* It keeps human being away from indecent, shameful and forbidden actives.
* It is a training programmed designed to control evil desires and passions.
* It purifies the heart, develops the mind and comforts the spirit.
* It is a regular reminder of Allah and his greatness.
* It develops discipline and willpower.
* It is a proof o f true equality, solid unity and universal brotherhood.
* It is the source of patience, courage, hope and confidence.
* It is a mean of cleanliness, purity and punctuality.
* It develops gratitude, humanity and refinement.
* It is the demonstration of our obedience to our greater.
* It is a programmed which prepares us to match our actions with words.
* It is the solid programmed of preparing oneself for jihad striving ones utmost to please Allah.
Salat is the prayer for Allah.
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Wednesday, January 11, 2012

Salat Times

In a lot of places in the world this application is called Salat times, azan/athan times or salat/salah/namaz times.

Daily prayers Salat or Namaz 5 times a day opposite Mecca.
i)  Farj (Is performed before the light of sunrise). This namaz has 4 rakats, 2 sunnat-e-muakkadah and 2 fardh.
ii) Zuhr (Is performed when the sun starts to turn down from its zenith). This namaz has 12 rakats, 4 sunnat-e-muakkadah, 4 fardh, and 2 sunnat-e-mukkadah and 2 nafl.
iii) Asr (Is prayer in the afternoon). This namaz has 8 rakats, 4 sunnat-e-ghair muakkadah and 4 fardh.
iv) Maghrib (Is prayer in the sunset). This namaz has 7 rakats, 3 fardh, 2 sunnat-e-muakkadah and 2 nafl.
v) Ishaa (Is prayer in the evening). This namaz has 17 rakats, 4 sunnat-e-ghair muakkadah, 4 fardh, 2 sunnat-e-muakkadah, 2 nafl, 3 witr wajib and 2 nafl.
To locate out the prayer times in your city, you must first locate your city in the database -


Tuesday, January 10, 2012

Muslim names

In lot of Muslims peoples are looking for his or his baby names for search. Here are the way for find Muslim Names:

Search to names:
Muslim Names and Meanings

Muslim women

At a time the world, considered Muslim women as no better than children or even slaves, with no human rights at all, Islam acknowledged women's correspondence with men in a great many respects.
Prophet Hazrat Muhammad (saw) says:
"The most perfect in faith among believers is he, who is good manners and kindest to his wife." (Abu Dawud)
Muslims believe that Adam and Eve were created from the similar soul. Together were equally guilty of their sin and fall from grace, and Allah forgave both. Many women in Islam have companion’s accomplished great deeds and achieved fame, and during Islamic history there have been famous and influential scholars and jurists.
With regard to learning, both women and men have the same rights and obligations. This is comprehensible Prophet Muhammad (saw) saying:
"Seeking knowledge is compulsory for every believer."  (Ibn Majah)
These imply men and women.
A Muslim woman as well has obligations. All the laws and system pertaining to prayer, fasting, charity, pilgrimage, doing good deeds, etc., apply to women, although minor differences having mainly to do with female physiology.
Muslim women are respected person in the world.
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“Muslims” means one which peoples believes in One, Unique, And Incomparable God. The Angels created by Allah, in the prophets during whom His revelations be brought to mankind, in the Day of Judgment.  Islam is the second biggest religion in the world with over 1 billion supporters. They are Muslims. These peoples are from a vast range of races, nationalities and cultures across the globally. They are united by their common Islamic faith, in God’s complete authority over human destiny and in life after death.
About 25% live in the Arab world. The world’s biggest Muslims community is in Indonesia. Substantial parts of Asia and most of Africa are Muslims, as significant minorities are to be found in the Soviet Union, Chains, North and South America, and Europe.
A man or woman are simply saying “ Laa-ilaaha-illallahu-Muhamma-dur-Rasu-lululah”mean “there is no God apart from Allah, and Muhammad (saw) is the Messenger of God”. By this speech the believer announces his or her faith in all God’s messengers, and the scriptures they brought.
Muslims are peaces people in the world.
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How to become a Muslim

How to became a Muslim is someone has a actual desire to be a Muslim and has full confidence and strong belief that Islam is the true religion ordained by Allah for every human-being, then, one should pronounce Islam is the true religion of Allah the testimony of faith, without further delay. The Holy Quran is clear on this regard as Allah states:
"The Religion in the sight of Allah is Islam." (Quran- 3:19)
If a person does not pronounce Islam is the true religion of Allah and enter Islam, we cannot say that he is a Muslim, even if he accepted Islam and recognized that it the best religion, a grand religion, and so on.
The first thing that someone should know and clearly understand about Islam and only saying “ Laa-ilaaha-illallahu-Muhamma-dur-Rasu-lululah”mean “There is no god apart from Allah, and Muhammad (saw) is the Messenger of  god”. By this speech the believer announces his or her faith in Allah and His messengers, and the scriptures they brought.
How to become a Muslim is a simply saying  Kalimah (faith).
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The Quran

The Quran is a complete code of life for humans. It means repeat road. It is the holy book of Muslims. And the final book of guidance from Allah sent down to Muhammad (saw) though the angel Hazrat Jibraeel (a.s). Every word of  Quarn is the word of Allah. Revealed over a period of 23 years in the Arabic Language, it contains 114 chapters (Surahs), over 6000 verses. Muslims learn to recite it in Arabic and many memories it completely. Men who memories  it are called Hafiz and women who memories  it are Hafiza.
Muslims are expected to try their most excellent to understand the Quran and practice its teachings. It  is unrivaled in its footage and preservation. Astonishingly it has, remained unchanged still to a letter for over fourteen centuries. In The Quran Allah addresses human beings directly. Its style cannot be compared with some other book. It deals with man and his ultimate aim in life. Its teaching covers all aspects of this life and the life after death. It contains principles, doctrines and guidelines for every sphere of human activity. The theme of Quran broadly consists of three fundamental concerns: Tawhid, Risalah and Akhirah. The success of human being on this earth and in the life after this depends on belief in and obedience to the teaching of  Quarn.
In 610C.Y. (christen year) The Quran came to the world. It come in the night of Holy Lailatul Qadar. The Cave of Hera was it revealed to the Prophet Muhammad (s.w.s). There are 22years, 5months and 14 days to take for the whole it to be revealed. Surah- Alaq (iqrq) is the 1st ayah of Quran. Surah Al-Fatiha was the 1st complete surah to be revealed. Surah An-Nasr was the last complete surah to be revealed. In Arabic month Ramadan was it sent. In 632C.Y year was it completed.
The Holy Quran the final Book of Allah was revealed to Hazat Muhammad (s.w.s). All the other kitabs besides it were revealed at once. All the other Kitabs are no more in their original form. There are Changes, alterations and additions have been completed to them.
Quran has been memorized by thousands from the beginning of Islam right to the present day. Allah has promised to protection the text of the Holy Quran. This is a miraculous. It is still pure, clean and free from any change or alt.
these links useful in reading, learning, and listening to the Qur’an:
The Quran is the Holy book of muslims.
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Monday, January 9, 2012

The World

We are living the world. World is 511000000 km big. There is seven containment in this world. 192 freedom countries are there. 229 countries are in this world. There are 63 Muslims courtiers. 700 billions of peoples in the world. Kabba is the first house which Allah built.
Allah has created this word on powers with his powers for us so that Allah can test us. He did it for us because he wanted us to worship him and follow his guidance. He has sent down many prophets (nabi) and messengers (rasul) so that he cans a massager to the world saying “there is no god but Allah and Mohammad (s.w.s) is his messenger”.
Allah has created everything for us, he created the whole universe and everything in it. He created the solar system. We Muslims shouldn’t believe that the universe started with the Big bang. Allah created the whole universe and everything in it in just six amazing days. Allah started to make the world on Saturday. On first day Allah created the ground (soil) on this world. On Sunday Allah created the mountains and the hills. Then He started to make the plant like trees on Monday. On Tuesday he made all the bad things like ghost and Saytans. Light (Noor) was made Wednesday. Thursday he made all the living creatures. On Friday Allah made Adam (Alaihis Salam).
Allah is the best and he knows when thing are going to happen like the good thing and bad things. Allah has already planned what is going to happen to this universe. Allah has made everything perfect and made everything is the right place. He can change everything when he wants. He is and always will be correct. We will always have to follow His rules. (Surah Anam -73 Ayat). He has got control of this whole world and we got to follow his orders. One day Allah will destroy this whole world (Surah Araf- 54 Ayat).
The world is where we living.
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Muhammad (saw)

No Human has left such a profound Impact on his followers as Muhammad (saw), the final messenger of Allah. He is an excellent model for mankind. He was born in Makkah, in Saudi Arabia, in the year 570 CE (Christian era). His father, Abdullah, died befor his birth and His mother Aminah, died when he was only six years. He married Hazrat Khadijah (ra), a noble lady of Makkah, when he was twenty-five and she was forty. His life as the messenger begins at the age of forty, when he received revolution from Allah through the Angel Jibraeel (a.s).
The people of Makkah used to respect idols. The prophet Muhammad (saw) invited them to Islam. Some become Muslims and others turned against him. Undaunted, he continued to preach as the messenger of Allah and gradually the number of his followers increased. He and the early Muslims under went terrible sufferings, facing stiff opposition from the idolaters.

In the twelve year of his prophet hood, in 622 Ce, Muhammad (saw) migrated from Makkah to Madinah, where there were already many new Muslims. The people of Madinah welcomed him as their chief and he established the first Islamic state there. The Islamic calendar begins as of this migration (Hijrah). He is the last prophet of Allah, He is the king of all prophets, he has sent as a mercy to mankind and out of all the Prophets he gave the most sacrifice.
Muhammad (saw) is the final and last prophet of Allah.
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Adam and Hawa (as)

Adam and Hawa (as) was the first man in the world. Hawa (a.s) was the first women in this world. Hazrat Adam (a.s) is father of
all of us. Hawa (a.s.) is the mother of all people. Allah made him with the soil form Makkah. When Allah made him, Allah put him in Jannath (heaven). Allah made him 60 feet tall.
Adam (a.s) lived along for a long time in Jannath. He felt like he needed someone with him. Allah understood his feeling and Allah made Hawa (a.s.) by taking a part of Adam’s (a.s.) spine (backbone). After that they are stayed peaceful in Jannath. Allah told Adam (a.s.) not to go to ascertain part of Jannath, because he would get in trouble by the Shaytan. One day Hawa (a.s.) forgot all about that certain bit of Jannath so she went in it and got out a fruit from the tree. She fed the fruit to Adam (a.s.). After they ate the fruit they remembered that Allah found out and the told them that you have done the wrong thing. So Allah said that for a punishment he would send them to the Earth.
Allah sent Adam (a.s.) to Srilanka and Hawa (a.s.) was sent to Jiddah. They once met in Arafat and they cried about what they did wrong. They both cried about 40-400 years. Then they met each other again and thanked to Allah for forgiving them. They are the first man and women who were sent to this world. Adam (a.s.) is the first prophet. He had children with Hawa (a.s). Then the family started to grow. Allah sent down ten Holy books to Adam (a.s.). He lived in this world for 940 years.
Adam and Hawa (as) was first meet in Arafat.
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Iman (Faith)

Iman is an Arabic word. This means having complete faith in Allah and His Prophet Muhammad (saw). Iman (Faith) means in simple words the things that will happen to us and the things that will happen to us are all decided from Allah. All the good things and all the bad things that will happen to us. Allah previously knows. As Muslims we must accept our Faith, we must have belief that Allah knows why he has made, this happen, even though we many not knows why. For example, if one of our parents suddenly dies, we must believe that it is the order of Allah; we must believe that Allah has a reason for everything that he does, whether it makes us happy or sad. We, as Muslims must accept this belief, that Faith is from Allah whether it is good or bad. Accepting this belief will make our Iman (Faith) strong and this will make us good Muslims. People who believers of Iman call them Mumin’s.
Kalima-E-Tayyiba is Imans main base.Imans orders to belief in Allah from the heart, to say you have belief, and to practice upon you belief.
The Iman (faith) 5 Kalimas are:
1. Kalima Tayyibah –
Pronunciation: Laa-ilaaha illallahu Muhamma-dur-Rasu-lululah.
Meaning: There is none worth of worship except Allah. Muhammad (saw) is the messenger of Allah.
2. Kalima Shahaadah -
Pronunciation: Ashhadu Allah-ilaaha illallaahu-wahdahoo-laa shareeka lahu wa-ashhadu anna-Muhammadan -Abduhoowa-Rasooluhu.
Meaning: I testify that there is none worthy of worship except Allah and He is one and has no partner. I also testify that          Muhammad (saw) is His worshiper and messenger.
3. Kalima Tawheed –
Pronunciation: Laa-ilaaha illaa-anta waahidal laa-saaniya laka-Muhammadur Rasoolullahi imaamul muttaqeena Rasoolu  rabbil aalameen.
Meaning: There is none worthy of worship except you (Allah), there is none others only you, Muhammad (saw) is the Imaam of the Muttaaqeen (pious ones) and messenger of the lord of the universe.
4. Kalima Tamjid
Pronunciation: Laa-ilaaha illaa anta Nooray yahdi yallaahu –Linoorihi may-yashaau Muhammadur –Rasoolullahi Imaamul mursaleena Khatamun nabiyeen.
Meaning: There is none worth of worship except you (Allah), He guides to light whoever He wishes Muhammad (saw) is the leader of all the Prophets and He is the last Prophet.
5. Imman-E-Mujmal and Imaan-E-Mufassal


Pronunciation: Aamantu billaahi kamaa huwa Biasmaaihi wa sifaatihi. Wa qabiltu Jamee’a Ahkaamihi wa Arkaanih.
Meaning: I believe in Allah as He is, with His all names and attributes and I accept all His commands and rules.
Pronunciation: Aamantu billaahi wa malaaikatihi Wa kutubihee wa rusulihi wal yawmil aakhire Wal qadri khairihe Wa sharrihee minal laahi ta’alaa Wal ba’dal mawt.
Meaning: I believe in Allah and His angels, His books and His messengers and in the               last day (day of judgment) and in Taqdeer (happened) the good there of and the bad there of which is from Allah and resurrection after death.
Iman (Faith) is the most important part of a Muslim life. To become a Muslim you have to believe in the Kalimas.
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One God

Allah is One God.Tawhid is the mainly important Islamic belief. Tawhid describes the oneness of Allah. Everything in existence originates from the one and only Creator, Who is the Sustains and sole Source Guidance. In Arabic the creator is Al-khaliq. This belief should direct all aspects of human life. Identification of this fundamental truth brings a unified view of life, which rejects any division into religious and secular.
Allah is the only source of Power and Authority, and is to be worshiped and obeyed. He has no another partner. This has been described in part I, which has the information about Allah.

Tawhid or one god  is clearly and pure monotheism. Allah is not born, and He has no any son or daughter. The story of Imam Abu Hanifa (ra.a) at the age of 10 explains this. When the Christians asked him what is before Allah, Imam Abu Hanifa calmly and quickly replied count backwards from 10. And so they did now. When they came to one, Imam Abu Hanifa asked what is before that. Their answer was nothing and Imam Abu Hanifa described Allah in the same way. He said Allah is one and before Him is nothing. We should always keep in mind this wonderful and amazing story for it will help us understand and explain some things that are difficult for us take in.

Allah is the One God, He is the endless, He is the First and the End, and there is none like Him. Belief in Tawhid or one god brings total change to a Muslim’s life. It makes him bow down just to Allah, who sees all of his actions; He must work to create the laws of Allah in every areas of his life, in order to gain His pleasure.
Muslims believes Allah is only One God.
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Sunday, January 8, 2012


Islam means  peaces. It is a Religion and a code of life. It is whole way of life. It tells man about the purpose of his creation and existence, and his place among other creatures. It is the world largest religion. It means surrender to Allah.
More importantly, it provides him with control to lead a fair and purposeful life which will enable him to avoid the Hellfire (Jahannam) and be rewarded with a place in Paradise (Jannath) in the life after death.
Islam is our religion, we are Muslims, we must believe that Allah is one, we must pray salah (namaz) five times a day, we must give Zakath money to the poor people, we must fast in the month of Ramadan, and we must do Hajj at least once in our life.
Islam is religion of peace.
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Allah Is our Almighty, Powerful Creator. He is most powerful; he created the sun, the moon, the stars, the skies, the Heavens, the earth and everything on this earth. He controls the whole of this everything in it. He has all the time been here and always will be here.
Allah is one. He has made us. He made us to worship and obey Him. We never see Him but He can see us. He sees and hears everything that we say and do. He has given us food, water to live. We should for all time think of Him and thank Him for everything.
In return He will grant us with lots of rewards. He takes to create everything in 6 days. He creates this world and everything for people. He is our almighty and powerful creator.
Allah is our lord.
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The day of judgement

The day of judgement (Qiyamat) means life after death. It means destroyed for everything. Belief in Qiyamat has a profound impact on the life of a believer. We are every one accountable to Allah on the Day of Judgement, after we will be judged according to how we lived our lives on this earth. Someone who obeys and worships, Allah will be rewarded with a place of happiness in paradise. Someone who does not will be sent to Hell, a place of punishment and suffering. Allah knows our every thought and innermost intention: Angels are recording all our ac tins. If we always stay in mind that we will be judged by our action, we will try to make sure that we act according to the will of Allah. Many of today’s problems – would disappear if we had this awareness and acted accordingly.
Signs of the day of judgement are sigh Sugra and sign Qubrah. There are 9 Qubrah signs.
The signs of Qubra are:
1) English will come to this lord.
2) Imam Mahadi will be born.
3) Dazzal Regista will come to Earth.
4) Ya’jooj and Ma’jooj will come to Earth.
5) Dangerous animals will come.
6) The sky will be dark.
7) The sun will rise from the west.
The wind will come from the south.
9) On the 9th month on Friday, the world will be destroyed.
The sighs of Sugra are:
1) Men will listen to man more.
2) People will like singing and dancing.
3) Who ever know the Quran will not be a leader in any way.
4) People in the world will be bad and take drugs and drink alcohol.
5) New disease will be formed.
6) All the people will be lie.
7) Respect and love will be less.
30 people will say that they are prophets.
9) Kids will not respect there elderly.
10) Food will have no smell.
11) The average life expertly will fall down.
12) People will not read the Quran prophet.
13) The rich will not like the poor.
14) People will not be scared of Allah.
15) The people will do bad things.
16) No Muslim will lead other Muslims.
17) Whoever lies, people will think they’re clever and like them.
18) People will fight a lot.
19) People will want more money and care for it.
20) The leader will do bad things.
21) People will shout in majids.
22) The leader will not lead very goodly.
Qiyamat first house is grave guard. When we die the tow angels Munkar and Nakir comes to us. They will questions ask are: *who is your Rabb? *what is your religion? *who is your prophet?
Allah will judge our lives in the world on the Day of judgment. The field Hashar will judgment day take place.The prophet, the messengers and the Angels will be the judgment day witnesses. Allah will use a Mizzan (a scale) to compare the weight if the good and bad we have done.
The Day of judgement is the justice day.
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Saturday, January 7, 2012

Jannath and jahannam (Heaven and Hell)

Heaven and Hell (Jannath and jahannam) we will get judged when we die. This will be the biggest test of our lives because you will be judged about everything you have done in the world. So if you want to go to Jannath (heaven) you will have to follow everything that is in the Quran.
Believe to Allah, follow the religion of Islam, follow the five pillars of Islam, follow Mohammad (saw) way of life, we have to follow the Hadith, Such as respecting older people, you will also have to that worship Allah and everything in the Quran. You can’t hide form Allah because He is every were hut we can’t see Him. We will have to follow our prophets. Jannath is and will be the best place. You will only see this please if you follow the commandments of Allah.
There are 8 Jannath. Jannatul Ferdaus is the best Jannath. Jannatu Adoon is the second best. Jannatul  Adoon is the 3rd best. Jannatul Nayeem is the 4th best. Jannatul Mawwa is 5th best. Darus salam is 6th best. Darul Qarar is 7th best. The last best is Darul Maqam. There are 8 Jannath’s the best one is the 1st one.
Jahannam is an Arabic word which means Hell in English. It is the worst pleace still. You will get burnt and brought back alive by Allah. And then he will you throw back again. Punishment is everything in Jahannam.
There are 7 Jahannam’s. The first worst one is Habia. Number 2nd is Jahim. 3rd worst is Sakar, 4th worst is Lajja, 5th worst is Sayeer, 6th worst is Hutamah and the worst of worst is Jahannam.
In the judgment day Allah will decided Heaven and Hell (Jannath and jahannam) for us.
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Halal, Haram and Makrooh

Halal, Haram and Makrooh is an Arabic word meaning you are allowed to do it. Halal is what Islam is allowed to do. It also means that what you are allowed to eat for e.g cow, fish, and vegetable. Muslims are not allowed certain things but most things are allowed. Whatever meat it is, it has got to be blessed before it is killed.
Haram is an Arabic word meaning something that is forbidden. Whatever Allah has said you are not allowed is Haram. For e.g. stealing, drinking, alcohols, flirting with women or women flirting with men, gambling, interest, betraying Islam, non-clean and non- approved food is Haram in Islam like pork.
Makrooh: Makrooh is an Arabic word meaning not desirable. From an Islamic point of view Makrooh is something that is disliked by Allah and so we shouldn’t do it. There are two categories of Makrooh. They are Makrooh-e-Tahrime ane Makrooh-e-Tanjil.
Makrooh-e-Tahrime: Means that it is very close to Haram. If you do this you will commit a sin.
Makrooh-e-Tanjil: Means it’s very close to Halal but it’s not. You still shouldn’t do this because it’s a sin.
Mubah: Mubah is an Arabic word meaning that it is ok and is like Halal. Mubah is like Halal so it is legal, for e.g. selling, farmer, if you do work like that is legal. These kinds of jobs have no sin or from Allah.
Halal, Haram and Makrooh is  impotent to compare in our life.
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Friday, January 6, 2012

Jinns (Spirits)

Jinn (Spirits) are an Arabic word, which means spirits or ghosts in English. We cannot see Jin but they can see us. Allah made Jinn before He made human beings. Allah made Jinn so that they worship Allah and not anything else. In the Quran Allah has writhed a Surah, which is explaining all about the Jinn’s (Surah-Jinn).
The Jinn’s are like us because they have to obey Allah and eat food to live. There are bad and good Jinn’s, Allah made Jinn with fire and created them to live for thousands and thousands of years. Allah sent down Jinn messengers are; Prophets so that they learn the good way of life.
After a long time of years the Jinn were so bad and forget all about Allah, that Allah had to send down angels to wipe out the entire Jinn’s. When the angels came down to kill the Jinn’s most of them hid in forest and jungles. The angels found a beautiful Jinn and didn’t no what to do with it, so they asked Allah reapplied saying take him to your house and keep him. This Jinn (Spirits) name was Iblis and his mother names were Niblis and his father’s names were Khobis.
Iblis were very bad when he were little and used to do a lot of bad things. Soon Iblis Islamic knowledge started to grow because the Angels taught him. He was such a good Muslims that Allah made him leader of all Angels. Iblis was so good Allah gave him all that he could give.
After millions of years Iblis started to think badly about what he could do with all that power and also thought about challenging Allah. When Allah created Adam (a.s), Allah told Iblis to respect Adam. But Iblis didn’t want to worship Adam so tried to trick him because Iblis thought he were more important than Adam. So then Allah wasn’t pleased about Iblis and decided to send him to Earth. Allah protected all the prophets and Messengers so that the Jinn’s.
Allah make Jinns (Spirits) in with fire.
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Taharat (clean) and Fiqh’s

Taharat (clean) and Fiqh's is an Arabic word, meaning clean fresh and holy. The Taharat also means inside and outside wash /clean. Taharat has two types. They are outside Taharat and Inside Taharat.
1. Outside Taharat – e.g. Widu. Shower, Tayammum (dry ablution).
2. Inside Taharat – e.g. Bad thinking, bad work, angry, rage. You have to avoid these things in your heart.

Fiqh is an Arabic word, which means thinking, relaxing and memorizing. In the Islamic point of view, Fiqh is to understand the Shaariyah (Islamic Law).
Fiqh’s subject is Fardh, Wajib, Sunnat, Mustahab, Nawaaqidh, Mubah, Halal, Haram and Makrooh. The point of fiqh is that all the people that Allah has created have to follow all of Allah’s commandments and do more ibadah (prayer) to grow closer to Allah. Fiqh’s target is to mark Allah happy by following these commandments, which will lead you to Jannath (Paradise).
Taharat (clean) and Fiqh’s perform every Muslims.
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Thursday, January 5, 2012

Azzan (call to prayer)

Azzan is an Arabic word, which means, “Call to prayer’. It is called out five times a day. The Azaan is called to inform people that it is time for Salah (prayer).
In the Islamic law it is compulsory (Sunnah) to call the Azzan for every regular farz Prayer. The person who calls the Azzan is called ‘Muazzin’.
Word of Azaan and meaning :
(1) Allahu-Akbar     ------       Allah is the Greatest.
(2)Ashhadu Al-laa ilaha    --------     I testify that there is none worthy of worship but Allah.
(3) Ashhadu anna Muhammadar Rasoolullaah   -----------  I testify that Muhammad (saw) is the messenger of Allah.
(4) Haiya ‘alas salaah’     ------------------    Rush to Prayer.
(5) Haiya ‘alas falaah     -------------------       Rush to Success.
(6) Allahu-Akbar   ---------------------    Allah is the Greatest.
(7) Laa-ilaaha-illallaah   ----------------    There is none worthy of worship but Allah.
Note:  Only for Fazr Azzan must add –“Assalaatu-Khairum-Minan-Nawoom", that meaning "Prayer is better than sleep".
When listening to the Azzan you should repeat the words below:
Allahu-Akbar (4 times) ----- Allahu-Akbar (4 times).
Ashhadu-Al-laa-ilaha-illaallha (2 times) ------- Ashhadu-Al-laa ilaha (2 times)
Ashhadu anna Muhammadar Rasoolullaah (2 times) ------ sallallahu Alaika yaa Rasoolallah (once), Qurratu Aini bika yaa Rasoolallah (once).
Haiya ‘alas salaah’(2 times) ----------- Laa hawla walaa quwwata illaa billaah (2 times).
Haiya ‘alas falaah’ (2 times) --------- ---Laa hawla walaa quwwata illaa billaah (2 times).
Allahu-Akbar (2times)    ----------------   Allahu-Akbar (2times).
Laa-ilaha-illaallha (once) --------------------- Laa-ilaha-illaallha (once).
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